It all started with the

2018 Farm Bill Act...

  up until then Hemp was essentially illegal and had no differentiation from Marijuana. At the end of the day both plants ARE Cannabis, which led to a lot of confusion.


What's Hemp? 

What they officially decided on was this: Hemp = Cannabis with less than <.03%  THC by dry weight. What that means is for every gram of bud there can only be .3 mg of THC.


So your products won't get me buzzed?

This is a highly subjective question with answers that cater to each individual. Liteleaf was founded as a store for those who seek more options than just the most potent. Our products do contain hemp-derived THC with potencies ranging from 6MG-50MG. This is legal based on the dry weight to THC ratio. While some people are highly sensitive and others aren't, it's important to have an honest conversation with our staff as products are recommended based on personal tolerances. 

Here's some math (for those who want the breakdown)

 As previously mentioned, products CAN contain .3mg of THC for every gram of weight the product has. For example, if your product weighs 100 grams it can contain 30mg of THC (thats 3x the recommended entry dose). Cool right?

If you're still confused

I don't blame you. Things kind of got hairy by trying to clarify the difference between hemp and marijuana from a capitalistic perspective rather than a taxonomical one. But that's ok. We are learning more about the wonders of the cannabis plant everyday. Scientist are ready to leave behind the ideas of plants being strictly indica and sativa and are reconsidering them as 'types 1-3' instead. Cannabinoid profiles can vary wildly in strains both deemed 'sativa' or 'indica' making the classifications of new strains a completely subjective process. Now add into the mix an increasing belief in the medical benefits of terpenes and the entourage effect, I think it's pretty safe to say the waters are a little murky in the cannabis industry. Rest assured that we at LiteLeaf are here to steer you straight. All of our products are all natural or minimally processed so that we are always able to tell you exactly what you're getting.

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